Anit Mukherjee

Anit Mukherjee

Anit is a Policy Fellow at the Center for Global Development, where he undertakes research and policy analysis on digital economy, global data governance architecture, technology platforms for digital service delivery reform, financial inclusion, and digital financial services to achieve various development goals.

Anit Mukherjee is a Policy Fellow at the Center for Global Development where he works on issues of governance, public finance, and service delivery in developing countries. Previously, he coordinated a CGD Working Group on Fiscal Transfers for Health that provided recommendations to improve the effectiveness and coordination of health financing in decentralized countries for better outcomes. Mukherjee also worked as an associate professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in New Delhi where he designed and implemented innovative citizen-led public expenditure tracking surveys in education and health. As a policy advisor to the world’s largest biometric ID program, Aadhaar, he was involved in the design of direct benefit transfer of subsidies in India. Mukherjee has served as MDG financing advisor to the Government of Yemen, worked as a consultant for the World Bank and UNAIDS on the financing of HIV/AIDS programs in Asia-Pacific, and designed gender-focused social protection as an advisor to the Commonwealth Secretariat.