
The impact of COVID-19 on LMI segment in Indonesia

This is the first of two blogs that highlights the insights from MSC study to understand the economic and health impact of COVID-19 on LMI ( Low and medium income) Indonesians.

Millions of Indonesians from the low- and middle-income (LMI) segments find it hard to fend for their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. With little savings and an uncertain future, vulnerable people have to take desperate measures to stay afloat. This blog highlights the insights generated from a study conducted by MSC to understand economic and health impact of COVID-19 on low-middle income (LMI) Indonesians. This blog is the first of two blogs on this subject.

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Agnes Salyanty

Senior Analyst

Rahmatika Febrianti

Assistant Manager

Raunak Kapoor

Senior Manager