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Grace Retnowati


Grace is an Partner in MSC’s Country Program Development domain in Indonesia. She is a financial consultant with more than two decades of experience through projects with financial services providers, industry associations, international funding agencies, NGOs, government institutions, MFIs, and community-based institutions in Indonesia.

She manages a wide range of advisory services projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, IFC/World Bank Group, DFAT, USAID, Rabobank Foundation, Opportunity International, and VISA, among others, to build the institutional capacities of partner institutions to increase their outreach to the underserved population. Her areas of expertise include large complex project management, program design and evaluation, delivery channel design, market and value chain assessment, microfinance, agriculture, financial sector development, financial institution’s due diligence and technical assistance design. 

Before joining MSC, Grace worked with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a private sector arm of the World Bank Group (WBG) Indonesia, for nearly 8 years, handling projects across various sectors. Grace holds a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Indonesia and a certified expert in Microfinance and SME Finance from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, and Asian Institute of Management (AIM), the Philippines. She is fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.