
Smallholder farmers’ climate-resilience index

The Smallholder Farmers’ Climate-Resilience Index represents MSC’s quantitative methodology to gauge Bihar’s smallholders’ resilience against the impacts of climate hazards. The study seeks to inform the strategies of development agencies dedicated to enhancing smallholder farmers’ resilience.

Various studies have acknowledged the increasing effects of climate change on the livelihoods of smallholders worldwide. Despite this acknowledgment, only a few studies have quantified the extent of resilience among smallholders.

MSC’s study represents an effort to assess smallholders’ climate resilience with the use of cost-effective survey tools. We anticipate that MSC’s frugal approach will motivate development agencies and private sector entities that work with smallholders to consistently gauge the smallholders’ resilience levels in the face of climate change.

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Graham Wright

Group Managing Director

Partha Ghosh

Senior Manager

Kunal Sharma

Assistant Manager