Signature projects

Strengthening small and mid-sized farmer producer companies in India

  • time Oct 25, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

MSC worked with IFC to train and build the capacity of Indian farmer producer companies on governance, financial management, risk management, and business planning. The program resulted in nearly a million smallholder farmers being trained. Many financial service producers adopted the curriculum, as MSC’s training now enables them to train producer organizations.

MSC worked with IFC to train and build the capacity of Indian farmer producer companies (FPCs) on governance, financial management, risk management, and business planning. We conducted a training-needs assessment and developed training modules besides conducting a training-of-trainers sessions, all using adult learning principles. We developed replicable and sustainable capacity-building models to support the use of the curriculum, content, toolkits, and methodology across various states and geographies.

The program resulted in nearly a million smallholder farmers being trained. Several financial service providers are now able to extend significantly more credit to farmer producer organizations and their member farmers. This has been made possible because of better management, operations, and governance, which stem from MSC’s training and capacity building. Many financial service producers have also adopted the curriculum. MSC’s training now enables them to train and skill producer organizations at scale.

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