Signature projects

Integrated Digital Farmer Services Platform for Bihar

  • time Mar 5, 2024
  • calendar 2 min

The goal of the Integrated Digital Farmer Services (DFS) Platform is to enhance the livelihoods, incomes, economic empowerment, climate resilience, and gender equality for small and marginal farmers/producers (SSPs); and to create systems’ level impact across Bihar.

To make certain that the platform caters effectively to ‘small-scale producers’, especially women SSPs in Bihar, and is inclusive in its design and use. The platform aims to be a one-stop platform for all farmer-facing requirements like finance, availing schemes, market linkages, inputs and outputs, and relevant ag-advisory to improve climate resilience.

The platform will be guided by the following strategic considerations:

  • Targeted Approach
  • Human-centric design and robust architecture
  • FAIR Data Principles
  • Adaptive Rollout
  • Leverage Existing Innovations
  • Expert Partners with a focus on physical and assisted services
  • Co-Creation
  • Streamlined Approvals
  • Data-Driven Insights and agile development

Approach to drive access to and adoption of the DFS platform by SSPs in Bihar:

  • Partnering with GoB to integrate DFS with existing farmer-facing schemes, leveraging support from agricultural directorates.
  • Utilizing institutions like JEEViKA and community organizations for SSP onboarding, awareness building, and gradual adoption of the platform.
  • Conducting awareness campaigns through KVKs, agriculture universities, SBCC initiatives, and various communication channels, including social media and government communication channels.

Envisaged Outcomes and impact

  • Holistic access to tailored services for all Bihar’s small-scale farmers.
  • Lowered costs and increased income for farmers, enhancing their livelihoods.
  • Significant boosts in agricultural productivity and food security.
  • Empowered women farmers excelling in various roles.
  • A transformed agricultural ecosystem with streamlined coordination.
  • Enhanced competitiveness through access to diverse services.
  • Greater resilience to climate change for sustainable farming practices.
  • Potential outcome is that by the end of 5 years, we anticipate having 7 to 8 million registered SSPs, with 3 to 4 million actively using at least one service or feature.

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