
Predominant Cash-in Cash-out (CICO) models in India

This deck highlights the predominant cash-in and cash-out (CICO) agent models in India across an agent’s lifecycle. It uses MSC’s extensive experience in the agent space from across the globe, and synthesizes it for industry players.

We can categorize agents in India into either of four models—traditional agents, new-age agents, payments bank agents, or Gramin Dak Sevaks. These agents face particular challenges across their entire lifecycle, from setting up to reaching sustenance. This deck takes you through the journey of agents across each of these models and gives a bird’s eye view of the factors, such as economics, risks faced, and use-cases that impact this journey. The deck also outlines lessons from various pilots that MSC has conducted with its partners to address the challenges across their lifecycle.

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Disha Bhavnani

Senior Manager

Surbhi Sood
