Md Farista Andalib

Md Farista Andalib

Md Farista Andalib currently serves as an Assistant Manager at MSC (MicroSave Consulting), bringing a wealth of over eight years of experience in digital transformation and microfinance. His expertise has grown to encompass an impressive array of skills, particularly in digital financial services, market intelligence, and organizational strengthening. Farista's notable achievements include co-authoring a crucial monthly newsletter for The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on market intelligence in Bangladesh. His recent endeavors include working on the Smart Bangladesh project as a demand-side lead where MSC is supporting the Bangladesh Bank to become cashless by 2031, understanding the economics and experiences of female agents across multiple countries, and conducting in-depth studies on microenterprises participating in digital platforms in Bangladesh, Kenya, India, and Nigeria. These projects demonstrate his capacity to handle complex, multi-faceted research with significant implications for digital financial ecosystems.