There is a lot to learn from the emerging digital money grid in India. The blog focuses on the Indian DFS ecosystem.
The Government of India has embarked on a remarkable path to connect all its citizens onto a digital platform through which they can, in real-time, confirm their identity, financially transact with anyone else, and store relevant documentation in natively digital format and consent to it being shared digitally with others (for instance, to support credit applications). It presents an opportunity to close the financial inclusion divide in a country that until recently held the largest number of unbanked people in the world. This is linked to a broader e-Government agenda, which has the potential for bringing an unprecedented level of efficiency and transparency into the delivery of a whole range of public and social welfare services.
What makes the Indian experience so remarkable is that it is such a fundamental departure from what had become the canonical mobile money model in developing countries: that of a powerful domestic player building the ecosystem from scratch, controlling it end-to-end, and harnessing (and fully capturing the benefits of) the consequent network effects.
The Indian authorities have been clear from the beginning that they wanted to prevent the development of a dominated market, so they have based their approach on two key concepts: promotion of interoperability at all levels of the value chain, and provision of certain technical standards and public good service elements by public entities. The ultimate intent is to create a ubiquitous, low-cost network, and that requires focusing on leveraging market-level (rather than provider-specific) scale and network effects.
It´s hard to dispute the Indian motivations, but there are some practical questions that arise:
We think that all digital finance professionals would do well to learn about the Indian experience, and use that to challenge their own thinking about digital financial inclusion models. With this purpose in mind, the Digital Frontiers Institute, of which I am an Executive Director with colleagues David Porteous and Gavin Krugel, has collaborated with MicroSave to create a four-week online course on the Indian journey, which we call Digital Money Grid India, and which we will offer in its first edition starting on March 27th.
The course is intended for professionals in digital money or digital financial services wanting to develop a fuller understanding of the emerging landscape for digital payments and financial inclusion in India. The intended audience includes professionals in India who expect to apply the understanding gained through the course directly in their market, as well as those outside India who want to understand and learn from the Indian model and experience
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