
Structuring and Managing Agent Network – I

This Note, and the next in the series, review and critique the agent networks of diverse organisations in different contexts and geographies.

Agent network is a vital constituent of any system delivering electronic/mobile banking services. According to MMU mobile money tracker, there are 140 live mobile money deployments globally and 104 planned, excluding other electronic banking (non-mobile based) deployments. However, very few of these can be considered truly successful. Improper design, structuring and mismanagement of agency networks are often seen as the root cause of failure. MicroSave’s intensive research in agent networks substantiates this and emphasises the need for significantly greater focus and attention on alignment of agent network management with institutional strategy.
This Note, and the next in the series, review and critique the agent networks of diverse organisations in different contexts and geographies. The 7 case studies cover agent networks managed by banks (directly or through third parties) and by MNOs in both bank-led and MNO-led markets.

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Written by


Puneet Chopra


Graham Wright

Group Managing Director