Signature projects

JEEViKA Special Purpose Vehicle for Agriculture Transformation (JSPVAT) Fisheries Program

  • time Mar 5, 2024
  • calendar 1 min

The objective of the investment is to enhance the livelihoods, nutrition, and empowerment, of fisherwomen and men across Bihar, through market-systems-driven, and sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries. The investment will leverage the investments of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) in the JEEViKA Special Purpose Vehicle for Agriculture Transformation (JSPVAT).

This investment would target women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and female smallholders to improve women’s nutrition, livelihoods, and empowerment in aquaculture and fisheries. The investment will therefore focus on small-scale indigenous aquaculture and fisheries, driven by women’s economic collectives, particularly WSHGs and women-led fisheries producer groups. The systems-level goals of the project are:

  • Women-centric and gender-transformative
  • Market-led
  • Replicable
  • Sustainable aquaculture and fisheries programs and models integrated with JEEViKA, across Bihar, with potential for replication at the national level

The implementation will leverage a strategic partnership between MSC and the following key investment players, to achieve the envisaged outcomes:

  • JSPVAT: Leverage JSPVAT’s strength, supported by JEEViKA and the World Bank, to create scalable aquaculture models for women’s self-help groups (SHGs).
  • BAVAS: Collaborate with BAVAS and DAFR to improve aquaculture policies, using lessons from the successful BAMNet program, supported by the Gates Foundation.
  • WorldFish: Partnering with WorldFish to tap into global and local aquaculture expertise, aiming to reduce poverty and malnutrition in Bihar.

Envisaged Outcomes and impact

  • Increased incomes and resilience for women and men engaged in small-scale aquaculture and fisheries, fostering economic growth within local communities.
  • Greater access to affordable aquatic nutrition, particularly benefiting women, girls, and young children, resulting in improved health and cognitive development.
  • Strengthened Women’s Economic Collectives (WECs), promoting economic autonomy, collective marketing, and value-addition opportunities for women.

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