
Snapshots: PMJDY wave II assessment

The second assessment (Wave-II) of BMs under PMJDY was conducted by MicroSave during April-May 2015 with an objective to provide a comparable analytical framework with Wave-I. Wave-II covered a total sample of 1,700 BMs and 4,514 PMJDY customers in similar geographies (as Wave-I) of 9 states and 41 districts.

Wave-II observed an improvement in most of the parameters over Wave-I and was more comprehensive as it covered additional information on other some aspects of BMs such as fixed and variable commissions; device enablement; infrastructure; fixed and variable costs incurred; product portfolio offered, capacity building; and satisfaction levels etc. The customers were additionally asked about their preference for a transaction point; reasons for such preferences and; problems faced while conducting the transaction at BM outlet etc. Wave-II provided bank wise and state wise comparisons on major parameters covered during wave-I to track the progress of PMJDY on ground implementation.

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