Signature projects

An ambitious project to create a model for delivery of health and other government welfare programs to improve nutrition and healthcare outcomes

  • time Oct 26, 2021
  • calendar 1 min

The Government of India, through NITI Aayog, has launched a project to transform the Sevapuri block (sub-district administrative division) in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh, into a model block for the country. The project is significantly improving outcomes of various welfare programs in 87 villages, with a population of 234,000, through coordination and convergence. In this project, […]

The Government of India, through NITI Aayog, has launched a project to transform the Sevapuri block (sub-district administrative division) in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh, into a model block for the country. The project is significantly improving outcomes of various welfare programs in 87 villages, with a population of 234,000, through coordination and convergence. In this project, the central and state governments work together to improve key development outcomes.


MSC’s role is to develop a strategic plan for health and nutrition and converge the efforts of all development agencies working in Sevapuri. We collaborate with partners, such as JHPIEGO, India Health Action Trust (IHAT), and Project Concern International (PCI). We identified KPIs and defined a process to monitor and evaluate progress in several areas. So far, we have looked at immunization of children, screening for non-communicable diseases, the success rate of tuberculosis (TB) treatment among notified TB patients, and supplementary nutrition for women under the ICDS program, among others.

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