Signature projects

A consultative review of the program that drives financial access to MSMEs in the clean energy sector

  • time Mar 22, 2021
  • calendar 1 min

Energy4Impact, a UK-based NGO, contracted MSC to conduct a consultative review of its Capital Access for Renewable Energy Enterprises (CARE2) project and Developing Energy Enterprises Project (DEEP). The idea was to generate greater interest from institutional lenders to fund MSMEs enrolled under these two programs

Energy4Impact, a UK-based NGO, sought to reduce poverty in East Africa through accelerated access to energy. It provides technical, commercial, and financial advice to MSMEs in the clean and reliable energy solutions sector. Energy4Impact runs programs to enable MSMEs to access debt markets and offers credit guarantees to lenders. In 2016, E4I understood that the operational aspects of its flagship programs, Capital Access for Renewable Energy Enterprises (CARE2) and Developing Energy Enterprises Programme (DEEP) merited a revision in approach to generate greater interest from institutional lenders.

In 2016, Energy4Impact contracted MSC to conduct a consultative review of the Capital Access for Renewable Energy Enterprises (CARE2) project and Developing Energy Enterprises Project (DEEP). MSC reviewed the framework, underlying assumptions, operational guidelines, impact parameters, and implementation progress. It examined the success criteria of the programs critically. Based on the assessment, MSC advised E4I to rework the cash flow and return parameters of the investee companies and highlight them in the DPRs. This would enable E4I to generate greater interest from institutional lenders to fund MSMEs enrolled under these two programs.

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