Signature projects

Customer segmentation study in Bangladesh

  • time Oct 27, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

MSC carried out a comprehensive customer segmentation study for the IFC on the use of mobile financial services by Bangladeshi women. The study identified specific challenges that women face in their use of MFS. The MSC team provided in-depth insights into the need for more female DFS agents, who would potentially encourage more women to use MFS.

IFC engaged MSC to execute a comprehensive customer segmentation study on the use of mobile financial services (MFS) by women in Bangladesh. The study covered 4,000 respondents and identified specific challenges that women face in their use of MFS, identified personas of MFS users, and provided in-depth insights on the need for more female DFS agents.

MSC developed a toolkit and collaterals for MFS providers to assist in on-boarding women MFS users and provided product concepts on the financial service needs of different women customer segments.

Bangladesh Bank has hosted both the report and the toolkit on its website under the regulations, policy, and licensing section for MFS, implicitly validating and advocating our work. The positive response from the central bank would also propagate the toolkit to onboard more women agents for the sector.

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