
Supporting the Government of India to digitize

  • user by MSC
  • time Jun 25, 2019
  • calendar 1 min

Dr. Pawan Bakhshi of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Shri Rajiv Srivastava of UP Mandi Parishad speak on MSC and its role in financial inclusion in the context of digital governance for beneficiaries in the country.

Rajiv Srivastava, UP Mandi Parishad, explains how MSC has worked hard to implement the eNAM program in Kannauj APMC successfully. MSC’s effective implementation of the program will benefit both farmers and traders. Dr. Pawan Bakhshi, India Lead, Financial Services for the Poor at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation speaks on the changes MSC’s services have brought about in social welfare payments to the poor in India and in solving the challenges of making the Indian government’s DBT program operational.

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