
SSN MFS report (Phase II): Assessment of Social Safety Net disbursements, Bangladesh

The Aspire to Innovate (a2i) program in Bangladesh has been working with various government ministries and departments to digitize the social security net (SSN) payments. This report, based on the second phase of MSC’s evaluation, highlights the progress made in the digitization of SSN payments.

The Aspire to Innovate (a2i) program in Bangladesh has been working with various government ministries and departments, including the Department of Social Services (DSS), to digitize payments under the social security net (SSN). MSC conducted the second phase of evaluation of the digitized SSN in March, 2020. This report captures insights from beneficiaries, agents, and DSS officials during the enrollment, disbursement, and withdrawal of SSN payments. It also measures changes made since the first evaluation and provides recommendations for further improvements in the banking and government delivery process.

Click here to access our report on the first phase of evaluation.

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