
Philippines: Impact of COVID-19 on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

The extended community quarantine imposed by the government to contain the spread of COVID-19 has adversely affected MSMEs in the Philippines. This report outlines the impact of the pandemic on MSMEs and provides recommendations for policymakers to support their recovery.

The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent restrictions to curb its spread have taken a toll on MSMEs in the Philippines. This report highlights the nature and extent of the impact of COVID-19 on the cash-flows, business operations, and supply chains of these MSMEs. It delves deeper into the coping strategies they adopted to mitigate the effects of this disruption. The report also provides recommendations for policymakers and financial service providers to help accelerate the recovery of the MSME sector.

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Aakash Mehrotra


Nitish Narain


Shobhit Mishra

Senior Analyst

Louie Cepe

Senior Manager