
Microinsurance Booklet

The present volume of OPE series compiles the learning of MicroSave on strategising for microinsurance and optimising product and delivery channel for delivery of microinsurance.

Microinsurance is the silent offspring of insurance and microfinance. However the complexity, technicality and diversity of microinsurance make it a unique sector. For close to a decade, MicroSave has been conducting industry assessment, market research, process design and optimisation including pilot-testing, brand/marketing and insurance literacy campaign design in addition to providing training in the fieldof microinsurance.

The Optimising Performance and Efficiency Series (OPE Series) brings together key insights and ideas on specific topics, with the clear objective of providing microinsurance practitioners with practical and actionable advice. The present volume of OPE series compiles the learning of MicroSave on strategising for microinsurance and optimising product and delivery channel for delivery of microinsurance.

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